Monday, 1 December 2014

This week in Nidaros

Stumbling along in the firm footprints of Rubricarius and Ttony, I will attempt during this liturgical year to bring you an "ordo as if" - in this case, as if the Church in Norway had rejected the Protestant Reformation (but adopted the Gregorian kalendar!), retaining the Use of Nidaros as it stood in 1519. Well, why not? This will be light on detail and full of errors until I have got a firmer grasp of the "pie" - the rubrics governing the transference of concurring feasts - which differs from the rubrics of the Roman books. I will try to make each weekly fuller and more accurate as we go through the year, but if I don't start now I'll never do it.

November 30. FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Antiphon after Compline: De te virgo.
December 1. SAINT ANDREW, apostle, greater double (transferred from yesterday). De te virgo.
2. Feria III. Commemoration of the Octave of St Andrew. Ne timeas.
3. Feria IV. Com. Oct. Andrew. Ne timeas.
4. St Barbara, virgin martyr, simple. Com. Oct. Andrew. Ne timeas.
5. Feria VI. Com. Oct. Andrew. Ne timeas.
6. ST NICHOLAS, bishop confessor, double. Com. Oct. Andrew. De te virgo.

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