Wednesday, 3 September 2014

News from Nowhere 7

The latest and very excellent issue of Latin Liturgy just came through the door. My "News from Nowhere" column mentions various webpages, which you can access by clicking on the links below:

the official Vatican website;

the motu proprio "Summorum pontificum" - in English;

essays on liturgical subjects from the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff;

the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales;

the Liturgy Office of the Bishops' Conference;

the Resources page;

the General Instruction on the Roman Missal;

the General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours;

introduction to the Rite of Confirmation;

introduction to Church Dedication;

Order of Christian Funerals - General Introduction;

the liturgical calendar (Ordinary Form);

the liturgical calendar (Extraordinary Form);

dates of moveable feasts;

excerpts from the chant booklet Jubilate Deo;

guide to music for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament;

traditional prayers;

links page;

Celebrating the Mass (2005) - of historical interest only;

the Roman Missal website;

Latin texts for composers;

bookmark with text of the interpolation of St Joseph into the Latin Eucharistic Prayers;

list of participation aids;

the Association for Latin Liturgy's own website;

and the Association's new Facebook page.

I hope these links are useful. Latin Liturgy is the journal of the Association for Latin Liturgy and is sent free to all members. Join today!